Porcelain Veneers in Jacksonville Beach, FL
Straight, white teeth are undeniably the essential building blocks of a radiant, attractive smile, but not everyone is fortunate enough to enjoy flawless teeth naturally.
When you look at your smile in the mirror and in photographs, are you satisfied with what you see? Do cosmetic issues like gaps, discoloration, chips, and misalignments cause you to feel self-conscious about your smile and your overall appearance? If so, Dr. Scott Wagner invites you to explore the innumerable possibilities afforded by cosmetic dentistry solutions, including porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers are fully customized, wafer-thin sheaths of tooth-colored dental porcelain. This lifelike material even possesses the glass-like properties that make tooth enamel slightly reflective and translucent; this means that when your veneers are bonded to your teeth, they’ll blend seamlessly into your smile in a natural way that is entirely undetectable. They effectively promote a beautiful, even smile free of common cosmetic flaws, including chips, cracks, gaps, moderate misalignment, and discoloration.
You’ll love how confident you feel knowing just how fantastic your smile looks, whether you’re out on the town with friends or making an important presentation at work. Enjoy the freedom to smile openly and brilliantly wherever you go!
The only way to make a definitive decision regarding any cosmetic dentistry treatment is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wagner. If you’d like to achieve a specific look with porcelain veneers, we encourage you to bring some images of smiles you admire to compare in our office.
Most patients in good oral health are considered viable candidates for the placement of porcelain veneers. If, however, we find that veneers aren’t the right solution for you, we’ll be happy to recommend more fitting alternatives. For example, many patients ask about Invisalign, which we’re happy to discuss during your consultation.
Taking your oral health and aesthetic expectations into consideration, Dr. Wagner will develop a treatment plan that best suits your lifestyle and your vision.